Monday 17 October 2011

Research into Horror Films

Horror films are designed to:
v  Frighten and panic
v  Cause dread and alarm
v  Invoke our hidden worst fear
v  Captivate and entertain us in a cathartic experience
v  May conclude in a terrifying finale which shocks the audience
Fears created by horrors:
v  Nightmares
v  Our vulnerability
v  Alienation
v  Revulsions
v  Terror of the unknown
v  Fear of death
v  Loss of identity
v  Fear of sexuality

Convention of characters:
v  Lead character becomes the survivor of the film
v  Killer monster often has a trademark of the people he kills or the weapon used
v  2 characters are in a conflict – good vs evil
v  Good person survives and defeats the ‘baddie’

General conventions:
v  Isolated location
v  Female victim
v  Disruption of normality
v  Sub plot of male/female relationship
v  Defeat of monster

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