Thursday 6 October 2011

Film Poster Featuring Text

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
·         50% of poster is text

·         attention on text due to big bold black writing which contrast to the white background therefore draws audience’s attention to read it

·         rhetorical question makes audience question themselves

·         The image shows a masked man with a chainsaw. This relates to Goodwins theory that there is a connection between visual and text as there is both the element of chainsaw in the image and the title

·         The title is written in bold red letters which immediately draws attention to the most vital element of the poster.

·         The title is in the colour red. The colour red is stereotypically known to convey danger, fear and death; subtly outlining themes within the movie

·         ‘America’s most bizarre and brutal crimes...’ entices the viewers to watch the film as it is persuasive

·         The film becomes scarier as the tagline mentions ‘What happened is true...’ – this creates fear in the atmosphere as the audience realises that these horrific situations also occur in reality.

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