Tuesday 11 October 2011

Importancy of Film Posters

Posters are highly crucial to allow films to appeal to their targeted audience/market. Posters advertise the film and inform the audience of what to expect in the film. It gives a brief denotation of what the film plot is based on, the key concepts and genres of the film are, illustrating who the main character(s) is/are and so on. It allows to specifically attract the targeted audience whom would want to watch the film. This would ensure that bad publicity is decreased as much as possible because majority of the people who would go watch the film would be the people who would enjoy it. Posters allow to make the film seem as interesting as possible. In a way it seems as if the film production company have a chance, before the film gets released, to adhere to as many people as possible. It persuades people to be informed about the film before it is released, therefore, may buy pre-tickets. Whereas, film companies who don't do this, noticeably, see that their film demand is much lower than others.
Since our film production companys' budget would be quite low compared to other multi-national companies, we would have to ensure that our poster still manages to cover all the points we would need. Additionally, posters are not very expensive compared to other advertising techniques, thus; we can take advantage of this and invest in making the best posters possible to ensure we have atleast one strong technique of advertising.

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