Wednesday 7 December 2011

Meeting 11

We managed to complete our filming in 2 days as we were very efficient as a group. This was very beneficial to us as we now have extra time to do our editing properly and not have to do it in a rush circumstance. 
We done the filming in consecutive days as both days endured the same weather condition, which was what we needed. We managed to have all our props and equipment ready, which sped the whole process up as we were then able to do it all in one go. However, it then started getting dark so we had to postpone it to the following day after school. 
We had to find an extra person to be the protagonist as we could not manage someone in the group being it because that would mean that we would not have either lighting, directing or shooting it. This was fortunately not time-consuming as we simply asked our friend to do it. She was more than happy to help us out. 
We had to remember exactly at which point in the forest we left off in order to continue from there. One would think we would not need to be in the same area of the forest again as tree's tend to all look the same! However, we had planned a whole pathway which is visible in the opening sequence, and we needed to ensure we do not muddle up our initial idea. As a result, this made it look as if we produced it in one day - this gave the opening sequence a very positive image and made it look more natural & convincing. Moreover, we had to also make sure that the protagonist was wearing the same costume the following day, applying the same amount/type of make-up both days, done the same hair style too and carried the same bag as the previous day. This also influenced the idea of making it look more genuine. 

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