Monday 5 December 2011


Harry Potter - Location

The concept of the location, I found inspiring. In Harry Potter, the forest is a deadly place. As soon as they enter the forest, it signals to the audience that something peculiar is going to happen. This indication was quite creative. Our concept of the opening sequence is also situated in the forest where something very negative happens.

Gothika - Extreme Close-up

This is a scene from Gothika. This is a common camera shot used in horror movies, as it illustrates the emotion of the character. In this specific scene you can see the fear and the intensity. 

The Last House On The Left - Shower Scene

A shower scene is very conventional in horror films. It's been taken from a low angle and the viewers can only see a figure of a woman. This is showing the woman as a vulnerable character as she is by herself and is a very expected scene for an event to take place. Seductiveness is mutually found in many horror films conveying women. This narrates this concept intricately.

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