Wednesday 14 December 2011

Film Festival

Unfortunately, we are an independent film production therefore this limits our budget. We are not able to produce a blockbuster due to the lack of equipment therefore if we supposedly wanted to make our opening sequence into a feature film, we would somehow need to receive funds to help us with the budget. Due to this, I believe we should enter our finished opening sequence that we have created for our media coursework into a film festival, such as ‘Sundance’ which takes place in Utah annually. It is the largest independent cinema festival in the United States, which is beneficial as we are an independent production company. The festival would then allow us to showcase our work to other mainstream companies. If a company such as ‘Paramount’ liked our idea and decided to go with our film idea, we could merge together and make the hit horror movie as we set out to do. This would enable us to use high-tech equipment to create various suspenseful shots and also capture high definition graphics. The sound would also be clearer and create a larger impact. We could also make our film into a 3-dimension movie, such as ‘My Bloody Valentine’. This technique would be astounding as it emphasises the horror of the genre and captivate the emotion of fear. Not only would a high budget enable us to make a successful film, but it can also help us market our movie. For example we could advertise the film on TV, billboards, trailers and the Internet. This ensures that the audience are aware of our film production which means they are more likely to watch the film on the cinema when it is released or purchase the movie on DVD.

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