Wednesday 7 December 2011

Meeting 10

In this meeting we discussed what we are going to be doing for our first day of filming. We hope to complete it within three days, max! We do not need too much time as we have ensured that our storyboard is very clear. Also, we know exactly what we are going to do each day, time and who we are going to need for each scene. 
Since we done a lot of pre-planning, the shooting will not be too time-consuming. 
Our genre is horror, therefore, we did not want too many characters visible in the opening sequence otherwise it would ruin the suspense/thrill. Keeping to a minimum with characters will also be essential for us as we will not waste time organising when & how the characters will shoot their scenes. We only need 1 protagonist, her friend and the killer. We will then need a cameraman, the person in charge of lighting, and the director. Some of roles are being played by more than one person due to our low-budget film company. 
We also need to certify that the weather is appropriate and it is not too dark. Our main aim is to use natural lighting to give the thrilling effect as it will seem more real. 
We also clarified what props we will need to bring and we allocated these to each individual person in our group. This helped to reduce stress and too much load on each person. Similarly, some had specific props and costumes avail to them whereas others didn't and vice versa. Consequently, this certified that we had all the equipment we need. 

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