Monday, 17 October 2011

Extracts found from the 'Hammer and beyond British Horror' written by Peter Hutchings

Horror tends to be identified as a means by which an audience comes to terms with certain unpleasant aspects of reality. Horror film teaches an acceptance of natural order of things and an affirmation of mans’ ability to cope with an ever prevail over the evil of life which he can never understand.’
‘Horror sequences are really formulaic rituals coded with precise social information needed by adolescent audience.’
‘The psychopath tends to be a masculine as this is stereotyped as being the more dominant gender.’
‘Horror tends to include visible stress, acts of violence, predominantly adolescence audience and morbid themes.’
Our group acknowledged this statement by Peter Hutchings and tried to embed it into our extract. The psychopath in our extract is Arron Mallory. We decided to use him as he is masculine character, and this follows the general codes and conventions of horror as the character is the more dominant gender.
We have also portrayed visible stress from the protagonist in the extract, by screaming and distressed facial expression.

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