Friday 11 November 2011

My Inspiration For Our Opening Sequence

Before we started to film, we got together as a group and discussed all the possible ideas we could do. As we came to a conclusion to do a horror opening sequence, I went through a brainstorm on my own over the horror films I had seen. These included movies like; Paranormal Activity, The Grudge, The Exorcist and Obsessed (which is not a horror film, it is a thriller but I got ideas from there. The idea I retrieved from there was the concept of a woman being obsessed over another individuals partner). We all had an input until we came to a final conclusion and we made sure that it was not completely copying any other film - only ideas. 
We didn't want to go too over-board with the filming otherwise it would end up looking 'cheesy.' Therefore, we decided we will enhance on the opening sequence with all the editing.

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