Friday 11 November 2011

The Grudge 2 Opening Sequence Analysis

The Grudge 2 was released in North America on October 13th 2006 as a sequel to the 2004 American horror film - The Grudge. The Grudge was a remake of a famous film called Ju-on, however, the sequel is not. It was pushed forward a week from the original October 20th release date. The film was released in the UK on October 20th and in Australia on October 26, 2006. 
I will be analysing the opening sequence which is the first 2 minutes and 19 seconds. As it begins with the illustration of the institutions are (columbia and ghost house pictures), there is daunting music in the background. This immediately informs the audience what the genre is. What I found most interesting and would hope to do something along the lines of this if it is possible is the way they edited 'columbia's' credits. They turned the woman into the antagonist of the film. They also turned the word 'columbia' into 'the grudge 2' in fast motion. They carried this out through the change of font. This new font seems to portray knives, which conveys the plot rather well. They used a range of edits to enhance on the visibility of the genre, for example the flickering of the lights as the woman transforms into the grudge.
Once the film has begun, it starts off with a few slides, each saying something different. As it fades into the next slide, a word is kept at the end and turns red to emphasise on it, e.g curse. 
The low angle shot of the flats, which showed bare tree's and all you could hear were crows. This made it have a very suspense and cautious atmosphere. The main character does not have any dialect - this helps to keep her character in suspense and make the audience want to watch on. The opening sequence ends with her casually drinking tea while her husband is suffering on the floor. This makes her seem quite psychotic, adding another element to which the audience would expect to see more of throughout the film

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