Monday 28 November 2011

Questionnaire Analysis

The questionnaire was presented to the class consisted of 7 questions.
1. What do you think about our ideas?
2. What idea did you like the best?
3. What would you change?
4. What genre do think this falls under?
5. What do you think our target audience is?
6. Would you sit and watch the whole video? Why?
7. Rate our overall idea as a whole (1=Lowest 10=Highest)

For the first question, many people believed that we had a good narrative, which embedded the idea of a girl being lost in a secluded forest. The narrative we have chosen includes the genre conventions of horror.

Many people liked the whole idea that the killer’s identity remains hidden during the beginning of the sequence. This creates suspenseful atmosphere and makes the audience feel tense and also question themselves as to who the killer is. Others liked the idea of the confused girl trapped in a mysterious forest with the slim chance of escape.

A suggestion was made that we should shoot our video at nighttime to help emphasise the theme of horror and enhance the conventions of the genre of our sequence. We considered this, however as a group we decided to stick with our initial idea, as we wanted our video to stand out from the average horror film and ‘go against the grain’. This challenges us, as we need to ensure that the sequence can scare people; even thought the setting is shot in broad daylight.

Everyone in our audience believed our opening sequence falls under the genre of horror, mystery, thriller and suspense. This indicates that our opening sequence intertwined the conventions of the horror genre as the audience can recognise it.

The audience also managed to estimate our demographic of being young adults, which is what we set out to achieve. Ages ranged from 13 years old to 39 years old.

Mostly all our audience were willing to watch all our video as they believe they want to know how the narrative progresses. This is a good sign as it shows that we have achieved the purpose of an opening sequence and have lured the target audience to watch the rest of the film. However one individual commented that they would not watch the movie, as they are scared of horror films.

We calculated the mean score of the ratings of our overall ideas. The score we gained was 7.9. We believe this is a good score however we shall try and improve our ideas to achieve an even higher score by taking into consideration the suggestions made by our fellow classmates.

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